Thursday, November 18, 2010


Waves! This is my new blog. You may or (more likely) may not know me from my previous blog vegans who eat meat. I cannot promise frequent updates, but I will try to promise that I will try to entertain. I likes the funnies.

Some things you should know before you decide to make the HUGE commitment to follow my little blog:

- I don't care if I misspell some things. If you care this may not be the blog for you.

- I like the occasional swear. Seeing that my mom reads this I will (probably) not release my inner sailor, but if occasional slips of the tongue bother you this might not be the blog for you.

- I have an odd sense of humor that has a 50/50 shot of meshing with yours. If it doesn't I don't really want to hear how weird you think I am. I simply don't care. :P If this bothers you this might not be the blog for you.

- I like emoticons. :P :O :) I know they are annoying. If this bothers you this might not be the blog for you.

Now that all the riff raff has hit the little x button in the corner of their screens, only the awesome people are still reading this.

Now let's have some fun my little chick-a-dees.

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